About Tom Tillistrand


Hi, I’m Tom! I’m a freelance web developer based in Boston, Massachusetts. I’m 31 years old and I’ve been making websites for five years. I’ve worked with a lot of web tech over the years, but HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are my bread and butter. My focus lately has been working with Shopify, React, Gatsby, and Node.js.


I’ve had an interest in running a business since my college days. In my early 20s, as I was completing my degree in music, I started building Wordpress websites for some of my business ideas. None of them panned out, but I had fun with it and learned the basics of the web along the way.

A couple years later I volunteered to build a Shopify site for a local music store where I taught. I started taking HTML and CSS courses on Codecademy in my spare time to customize aspects of the store, which planted the seed for my programming interest.

My coding skills developed over the next few years and I moved on to JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and Liquid. Programming became a creative outlet for me. Being able to solve problems by building programs from scratch was both fulfilling, and fun.

After my skills advanced enough, I decided to combine my interest in business and coding to pursue web development full time as a freelancer. At first I focused on Wordpress, gradually shifting into Shopify and JavaScript focused stacks with NodeJS and React. Most of my time now is devoted to building highly polished React-based websites, and keeping myself up to date with the latest advances in web development.

Ready To Get Started?

Let's get the ball rolling! Fill out the form below and let me know a little bit about your project. I'll get back to you within 24 hours!